Babygirl2 was awarded The Sean Brunske Economics Scholarship and she was invited to attend a reception in honor of this scholarship. Three other students received this same scholarship.
I am so proud of Babygirl2. It's not been an easy road for her and this honor, her achievement is so awesome. Of all my kids, she has the biggest brains. She also is witty, funny and gorgeous.

Babygirl2 use to tell me that I was too hard on her and that I thought she was much smarter than she really is. Remember when your Mom said stuff to you and you thought she was crazy only to realize later in life that she was right?
I think Babygirl2 realizes I was right:)

Saturday June 13
My Bigbro M and family flew in from Minnesota on Thursday for 4 short days. He has a new GREAT grand baby! He is the oldest and there are 7 of us in total (I'm the baby and yes I probably do still act like the baby!)but still! How we get this old?!?
I manage to get 5 out of 7 of us together. Two brothers couldn't make it.
We met at LaBella pizza for some catching up and some awesome pizza!

This place has been here for 54 years. I use to come here after football games and whenever I wanted great pizza.

Our guest of honor

Pictures before gluttony:

And after:

The siblings. The one with the white mustache is BigBro M.

My Fam!

My Sis and me!

Me and BigBroM

My awesome Kids! Look how ginormous buddy is next to his sisters!
What an awesome day!