WOW - I love it!!!! I just wished I had the BALLS to color my hair darker!!! I mean I really really really love the look on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did it make you feel???? I went darker once and it looked grey'ish green to me and I hated it - cried for days - until it was fixed!!! People said they liked it on me - BUT - I couldn't see it....I liked NOTHING about it!!!!!!
WOWZA!!!!!!!!!! You look amazing!!!! If one of us had a penis, I'd be all over you. LOL
It looks great on you. I'm laughing over Julie's comments but I bet she's right!
I have to say, you look good as a blonde, but you look waaay better as a redhead. Your skin tone is a perfect match.
Great decision, and it's no wonder you got the fireworks treatment. :)
It does boost your spirits doesn't it? It's also a great summer color. The sun will bring out more red. Good choice.
You could have green hair and still be hot, hot, HOT! Fireworks... I bet! Love it!
Red is a great color for you!
Love it hot stuff!!!!
WOW - I love it!!!! I just wished I had the BALLS to color my hair darker!!! I mean I really really really love the look on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did it make you feel????
I went darker once and it looked grey'ish green to me and I hated it - cried for days - until it was fixed!!! People said they liked it on me - BUT - I couldn't see it....I liked NOTHING about it!!!!!!
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