I was asked if I swam in the water. That would be a negative:)
Cano refuge was an all day event so I pretty much went back to the hotel and chilled out. I didn't have to get up early the next morning so I decided I would go into town before my afternoon hike.
Day 4:
Still pouring down rain. Considered building an ark but hey, I'm on vacation.
Saw a Toucan on the hotel premises.

Took a taxi into town. Walked around the small town, La Fortuna until I was soaked (didn't take long) and decided to grab a cup of coffee (or two) in this cute shop.

met three brothers traveling together and chatted with them for 2 hours. They had just come from the coast, volunteering their time in a Marine center to help the in dangered leather back turtles. Great time with them.

Taxi back to the hotel for my afternoon hike.

The hike was disappointing and very, very wet.
After freezing my ass off, we went to the hot springs to soak our cold, wet bodies in some warm water. Felt very nice but I sure missed my Mister!
Made it back to the hotel to find this:

I leave in the morning for Monteverde, the cloud Forrest.
A little update on Mr. J. Things are going well between us. I'm learning to relax a little and not trying to figure it all out. While gone in Costa Rica I missed him so very much so I know my feelings are deeper then I thought.
The issues he has, are not with me. He is the Director of Pharmacy where I work and has been for almost 6 years. The last year has been tough for him there. Going through a divorce and keeping up with work has been a challenge. He has been telling me that he feels it's time to move on but with this economy he thought maybe he should stay put.
However, some things have happened over the last few weeks that made him change his mind. First, we were spotted hugging on hospital premises and he was warned about this. Funny thing is, I wasn't.
The other things, I will not mention since that is his private business. After consideration over the weekend and another job offer (with much less money) he decided to resign.
It's so sad to see him leave there. His whole team was sobbing (and it's not a small team). How lucky his is too be loved so much. The hospital will have a difficult time to find a qualified replacement. His shoes are hard to fill.
Thank you all for the positive thoughts. He had a tough weekend but today, he looks relieved. He will take a little time off and start his new job next month.
As for us...I'm all smiles:)

You make me want to visit Costa Rica now! That was on my list of places to go.
Sounds like things with Mr. J are good. LW and I work together too. He's funny because he won't even touch my arm at work.
Good luck to Mr. J if he decides to leave.
I read your blog and I see you like Costa Rica as much as I do. I'm sure you already know there are many things you can do while you are in Costa Rica, but like most people you never know where to find the best places to go. So, if you are looking for the best things to do while you are in Costa Rica then check out www.top10costarica.com -- I find they've covered pretty much everything you could ever what to know about Costa Rica.
Those pics are amazing TG!!!!
wow what news about Mr J...
I think we need to talk about Mr. J. And Vegas. It's time to firm up some plans!
Hmm... hope things work out for Mr. J. Sure does seem like your feelings run a little deeper than originally thought. That does happen!
Vegas, baby! I can't wait for us to have a girl-fight over Julie!
Great pics as usual TG.
Sorry for the turmoil at the workplace. I hope his leaving doesn't become an issue for the two of you.
Keep living for the present!
Wow! So your Mr. J is close to where I am too. It would so be trippy if you worked at the same hospital that I work. Have you heard of Eisenhower Medical Center????
Oh yuck! I'm so sorry to hear that about Mr Hottie!!! =( I hope all works out with him for his new job!!!! I'm sure it will!!!!
Okay the Toucan pic - that is tooooooooo cool!!!! I don't think I've ever seen one - not even at a zoo?!?! So neat that you just seen it in the wild!!!
Love the pics!!!
Sounds like you have met some nice people on your trip!!! That is always FUN!!!
That is one thing I liked about the cruise - every person I met on the ship was so SWEET!!! I also loved all the workers - they are from allllllllllllllll over the world - I thought that was sooooooooo COOL!!!! If I was in my 20's I think I would take a year or two off and work on a cruise ship!!!! I will say those people work their BUTTS off!!!!!!!!
PS - The towel thing would have made me so sad to walk into that room knowing your honey is not there!!!! =(
It's very pretty though!!!! =)
I took pics of EVERY towel animal they put in our room on the ship!!!!! I was SAD SAD SAD that we didn't get a monkey (LIKE MY FRIENDS)!!!!!
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