I thought I would post some pics. Some you may have seen, some not.

I feel so blessed to have such wonderful kids and that my girls have found awesome men to compliment them.
I also feel so fortunate to found my Mister. I so believe in fate. I didn't want to go to the Medical staff party. I was sick and felt like shit. He didn't want to go either. But, we both showed up.
I think I was at a turning point in my life. I had been alone for 3 years. I had grown into a very self reliant, mature woman. I do believe I was close to the point where I would be undateable. I was becoming to set in my ways, too in dependant.
I don't know if you all remember, but I was hesitant and didn't think he was for me in the long term. I had a list of all the things I wanted in a man. He had them all but he also had one that I didn't want.
A small child. I have raised my kids, enjoyed them and now I'm almost done. I have been able to take care of myself and enjoy life. I wasn't sure I could do it all again, especially a child I have not raised myself.
But then I realized that if I really love Mr. J that if I don't accept his son it's like not accepting a vital part of him, like his heart or a lung. I mean really! I know how much my kids mean to me.
I finally met little dude and it was love at first sight. Watching my Mister with his little guy made me love him even more. Little dude was slow to warm up but by the second encounter, he was talking my head off and asking ME to get him a drink.
I want to post his picture because he is so adorable but I will refrain.