He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer January 2008 and went through chemo, radiation and surgery. He was looking so good at the Christmas party.
He has not been feeling well for some time and had a f/u pet scan which showed a mass near his Aorta. It's too close to the Aorta for removal and he has had the max of radiation. Biopsy is scheduled for tomorrow but all feel it's recurrence.
This is devastating news. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

I'm so sorry to hear about Tigger's husband. I'm hoping and praying for the best for him.
I'm so sorry, honey. He is in my thoughts and prayers....
I'm so very sorry. Thoughts and prayers are going his way.
Sending prayers from Los Angeles.
My thoughts and prayers are with them. Prayers from North Carolina
Oh my......
That is such SAD news!!!!! Please keep us posted!!!!!!
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