Babygirl2 and Bboy with marry September 6, 2009.
I have mixed emotions regarding the wedding. I so wish she would finish school before taking the plunge but she wants to do it now. We have talked, at length about marriage and struggles. She watched me struggle through school while working and raising kids. She thinks she can do it so I give them my best.
Man I feel so old. After all, June of 2007, babygirl1 married her high school sweetheart.

Babygirl1 lived with me up until the day she married. She and hubby finished college and married the next year. I wanted the same for babygirl2 but she has her own ideas. thank you to LindaLou who's' blog today helped me to feel better about this marriage.


The girls and me are great friends and I love our relationship. I will miss babygirl2 when she marries just as I miss babygirl1.
Letting go is NOT one of my strengths!

Amen!That's coming from a mom who's daughter got married at 20 and is now 21. I knew that I had to let go. No matter how much I wanted to hold on. You've raised great girls and when Babygirl2 gets married, she will be fine. It's because of what you've given to them that's why.
I love the picture of all three of you. I can see that you all have such great love for each other. They'll come home, even if just for a visit.
My 21 yo daughter will pass the anniversary in 6 months of the age that I was when I fell pregnant with her. I am happy that she seems determined to enjoy her single status at present. When we are younger we really dont know what responsibilities await us as a married couple. I think that since your daughter is determined to get marry you should just discourage her from starting a family too soon but rather spending time with her hubby enjoying life together, completing her education and maybe travelling. Babies put a terrific amount of strain on marriages.
You have such beautiful girls.
I'm not a mom, but I do understand. I was one of those that got married before I finished college, but I did it, and so can your daughter! It's so tough growing up. Like your PP said..."when we are younger we don't really know what responsibilities await us". She has to figure that out on her own though.
Much happiness to your daughters! Both are extremly lucky to have a mamma like you!
Awwww. I don't want to even think about my son getting married. It's too soon! He's only 18!
You know, speaking from experience, I wish I'd gotten married young, instead of old. I was 42 the first (and only time so far!) that I got married. At that age you're so set in your ways and established that it's far harder to combine lives.
You have raised these girls with the right values, the right morals, and they are happy and well rounded young ladies. She, like her sister, will be fine....
And so will you, Mom. Letting go is part of life. No matter how much we hate it!
You know, if she thinks she can do it, she will. Especially if she senses that people might have doubts--that often makes one all the more determined. If it's really just her age that you're concerned about, then you're getting off easy. My friend's daughter recently married a guy who's a real control freak-asshole; everyone can see but her daughter. That would be heartbreaking to watch. But just age? Hell, your daughter can do it! Both your girls look adorable, as do you!
Awwwwwww =( I'm with you!!!! There is all the time in the world to say I do!!!! She should finish school!!!! I know how we ALL sometimes get - we think we know what's best and we think we know it all!!! I was the same way to my parents when I married my ex hubby!!! We were together for 3 years before we said I do - married for 5 years and then divorced!!! I was sooooooooo DAMN YOUNG - now that I look back - I didn't have a freaking clue what I wanted in life and I didn't even know how I wanted to be treated - I didn't have anything to compare him too!!!! Let me just say - without saying (I've been around the block lol) I knew what I wanted from a man when I said my "I DO" to Mr. "S"!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Best Wishes To Them!!!!!!
You'll be okay!!!! Baby Girl 2will still be there - you are just adding a son to the family!!!!!
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