Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tough day

I woke up this morning not feeling myself. Many things have been going on that I have not blogged about, mainly because it's way too personal.

I have some tough decisions to make, many issues to review and resolve. I'm feeling alone and I don't want to face what I know I need too.


I know I will eventually get through it, I just don't want to walk the journey. Atleast not today.

5 comments: said...

Sending you good thoughts! Hang in there. Feel the fear and do it anyway (is what keeps me pushing).

Julie D said...

What's going on, babe? Email me. Call me. Let's talk....

Eric said...

I found your blog googling the word Traveling -

After reading a couple of posts, it seems like you've got your shit pretty much together - don't stress. Things will be cool.

Sandi said...

There is nothing a little cheesecake won't fix. Whenever you are up to meet me, I will drive to your nearest cheesefactory. :)

Anonymous said...

Ah my thoughts are with you. If you need anything let me know.
