The election, training for the 1/2 marathon, running the 1/2 marathon and of course, work.
I have been so busy at work. My clinic days are long and my call nights even longer.
Yet, my spirit was high yesterday engulfed with Obama and our Nations' victory.
Then I saw the front page of The LA Times and I felt so sad.
It said:
It's Obama.
Decisive victory makes history.
In California, gay marriage ban takes early lead.
Prop 8 was later defeated 52.5% to 47.5 %
Victory should NOT be associated with this image.

The gay and lesbian community protested immediately and stated simply what this whole proposition is about.

I talk to a nurse last night that voted yes on Prop 8 and I asked her why. She told me that gay marriage is a set back for society and we can't tolerate such an act. She went on to say that gays should not be allowed to have children as they can't possibly raise a "normal" child because it's not a heterosexual union. The children would not have the opposite sex as a role model.
How can you respond to such ignorance?
The words such as "tolerate" and "allow."
The phrase "set back for society" and "such an act" deafened my thoughts.
And I thought of the LA times headline.
It's Obama.
Decisive victory makes history.
In California, gay marriage ban takes early lead.
Clearly we have come so far.
And hopefully we can go further. And remember the words of a gay man:
"We are human. We laugh, we cry, we love."
Civil equality for ALL!

Cival Equality for truer words have ever been spoken!
The ignorance is sometimes too much to handle. I want to shake them till they realize how ridiculous it all is. Love is love is love is love. I just don't get it. And if two people of any gender want to share the love with a child, how is that bad? There is no way anyone could make me see that as a bad thing. Love is love is love is love.
Wake up people.
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