Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Booked my flight...

Now I need to find a tour in Costa Rica. I have it narrowed to two. I just need to make up my mind. Girlfriend can't go so I'm looking at tours.

I really didn't want to do a tour but I am a little nervous to be on my own in Central America. I have no problem traveling alone in Europe but I think I will feel better in Costa Rica in a group.

Decision time.


Julie D said...

Seriously. I want to be you when I grow up. I can't even go to a damn movie by myself, let alone another country!!!!!!

When is the trip?

Julie D said...

By the way, I'm thinking March 19 to 22 for Vegas? The 22nd is my birthday....

travel girl said...


My trip is 2/3/09-2/12/09.
Still looking for a tour. Many too chose, so many places to see.
Not enough time or money. Boo!

March 19-22 sound great. I hope it works out. We will have tons of fun girl!!!!!

Unknown said...

HOW remind me of the movie under the tuscan sun....just dont go buying a big villa and forget about us!!! said...

You don't mind traveling alone? With my "get lost without a compass" self, I'd be missing before I got to Costa Rica!

Sounds like fun though!

Anonymous said...

So jealous. I have always wanted to go to Costa Rica.

Debz said...

I have an idea. Take me with you and then you wont be traveling alone in Costa Rica. Perfect, right?!