I really didn't want to do a tour but I am a little nervous to be on my own in Central America. I have no problem traveling alone in Europe but I think I will feel better in Costa Rica in a group.
Decision time.

Chronicles of a wanna be World Traveler.
Seriously. I want to be you when I grow up. I can't even go to a damn movie by myself, let alone another country!!!!!!
When is the trip?
By the way, I'm thinking March 19 to 22 for Vegas? The 22nd is my birthday....
My trip is 2/3/09-2/12/09.
Still looking for a tour. Many too chose, so many places to see.
Not enough time or money. Boo!
March 19-22 sound great. I hope it works out. We will have tons of fun girl!!!!!
HOW cool....you remind me of the movie under the tuscan sun....just dont go buying a big villa and forget about us!!!
You don't mind traveling alone? With my "get lost without a compass" self, I'd be missing before I got to Costa Rica!
Sounds like fun though!
So jealous. I have always wanted to go to Costa Rica.
I have an idea. Take me with you and then you wont be traveling alone in Costa Rica. Perfect, right?!
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