PS - If you are my SSS - I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE the Braves Toothbrush!!!! How cool is that? Maybe it's only COOL to a BRAVES fan!!!!!! =) I know Mr. "S" won't pick it up for sure!!! He is soooooooooo NOT a BRAVES FAN!!!!
I will post allllllllllllllll about it tomorrow!!!!!
cant wait to see what ya got...I'm so nosey LOL
Awww...feel better, honey!
Can't wait to see!!!
Are you my SSS??? I see you are from CA and I see my gift was shipped from CA?
I'm jumping from blog to blog to see all the SSS that live in CA? lol
It's driving me nuts?!!?
I can't wait to see what you got!
I love love love love love everything in my box!!! LOVE IT!!!!
I'm going to post my SSS gift tomorrow?!?!?
Let me know if you were my SSS?
PS - If you are my SSS - I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE the Braves Toothbrush!!!! How cool is that? Maybe it's only COOL to a BRAVES fan!!!!!! =) I know Mr. "S" won't pick it up for sure!!! He is soooooooooo NOT a BRAVES FAN!!!!
I will post allllllllllllllll about it tomorrow!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are just as SWEET as ever!!!!! Thanks for being a SSS secret stalker!!! HE HE HE!!!!
What a great way for me to guess who you were!!!! =) I love it!!!!
If you don't mind...
Send me your mailing address and I will send you a THANK YOU/CHRISTMAS CARD! =)
My email is
You were a ***WONDERFUL*** SSS!!!!!
Feel better soon.
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