Sunday, December 21, 2008

Too damn tired

to blog! I have been working way to much and I'm feeling it. It will get a little better after Christmas.

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!


Unknown said...

I feel ya! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Julie D said...

I hope you get some rest soon!!!!

"J" said...

Hey girlie...
I hope you get some much needed rest!!!!

You asked about the White Elephant game! I'm going to blog about it today!

Everyone brings a gifts! A gift $10-$20 (new)! We had 33 people this year! All the gifts go in a pile! Everyone draws a #! I was #6!

#1 is first! They open a gift!
#2 is next (DUH) lol! They can take #1 gift or open a gift from the pile! Then #3 same thing...they can take from #1 or #2 or open from the pile! If they take #1 or #2 then that person has to get a gift from the pile or take a gift from someone that is already open! It's a TOTAL trip!!! A gift can only be taken once in each round! The big gifts that everyone wanted this year was beer and liquor! At one point I had the gift I brought! It was Miller Lite beer and a Miller Lite t-shirt! Someone took it from me so I stole the crown royal, candy cane shot glass (that was made from candy) and his and hers KY!!! lol Poor Mr. "S" ended up with a 5 pack set of tape measures!!! I thought he was going to walk away with 2 6-packs of beer at the last minute someone took it!!!! =(

Does the game make sense?!?! lol
It's a TOTAL blast!!!!
There was a TON of different stuff as gifts!
$25 movie theater gift card
Tequila with limes
Drink Mixer/Shaker set
and more beer
(2) really pretty cross sets
Car wash kits
flash light kit
measuring tapes (LOL) - Dumb if you ask me!
Sky Vodka with cranberry juice
(2) baskets of crown royal, candy cane shot glasses and his and hers KY! lol
Coconut Rum (YUM)
CD - Some country singer

"J" said...

Dang that wa a L-O-N-G comment!!!! lol

"J" said...

Oh yeah....
You asked what I do for work!

I work from a Telecommunications Co! We install phone systems for business! I'm the lil ole office mgr which means NOTHING!!! lol I do the payroll, taxes and our collections!

We are closed here on Wed and Thur this week and next! I saved up vac days to be off the other days! So I'm cool with being off!!!! I'm really only using 3 days of vac in 2008 and 1 day of vac in 2009!!!

I can't wait! As of Dec 23rd afternoon I'm off work till Jan 5th when I come back!!!! =) We are flying out to Ohio Dec 26th to see Mr. "S" family! Also, his lil girl lives there!!!! We are both so excited!!!! =) I can't wait to see the snow...real snow!!! FUN!!!!

"J" said...

Soooooooooooooo there ya have it! A break down of the party, my job and my days off!!!!!! =)




Lost Soul said...

Take a rest! lol ;-)

Anonymous said...

Just getting caught up on your blog.

Wow I would love that much snow!

WHat's up with Mr. J?

Get some rest and have a wonderful holiday!!!

BTW - slightly jealous of your trip to Costa Rica. Trying to convince boyfriend to go but it doesn't sound like he wants to. POO