The Nike 1/2 marathon was an experience of a lifetime. I ran like a girl with 19,999 women and men (yep, there were some men who ran like a girl).
Some amazing highlights:
-my name in Union square among all the other 19,999 participates.

-Waiting in the cold (starting at 5:30am) with 19,999 others. Emotional. Excited. Excellent. Many goose bump moments (literally and figuratively).

-Crossing the start line at 7:23.
-A woman with prosthesis leg who fell while going downhill. She jumped up and continued running, never uttered a word.
_A woman racing with her 9 month old on her back in a backpack.
_First hill at mile 6,was a piece. of cake. Snickered to myself until mile seven. Second hill F! I wasn't snickering anymore:)
-Amazing views of the Golden gate bridge, the city, the bay and the ocean.
-All the volunteers who handed out water, gatorade and snacks and cheered us on.
_ Mile 11. My hardest mile. I thought of what they told us: if you think the marathon is hard, try chemo. I thought of Jenny and I kept running.
_Mile 12. Adrenaline kicked in and I. Ran.Fast. (think, run Forest, run!)
_Then I saw this:

What a rush! Finish time 2hours 37minutes.
Here I am after the race with my goodies:)

I didn't prepare for after the race. It was so damn cold and I was so sweaty. I could have checked a jacket before the race to wear after but, being the rocket scientist I am, I thought I wouldn't need a jacket. It was a big mistake. Huge!
They gave us these to wrap around us:

Wasn't enough. By the time I got back to the hotel, I was frozen. I couldn't wait to take a shower.
As I striped my wet clothes off, I got a glimpse of my boobs. OMG. They were purple! And my hot shower made my boobs tingle like no man ever has:)
What a fabulous weekend.
I'll blog a little tomorrow about some great eats, fabulous sites and cool apartments.

I may not know you, and I have only read you a couple of times, but I am soo proud of you. That is the coolest thing ever! You must feel such an adrenaline still. Congratulations!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so freaking proud of you!!!! I knew you could do it...I had no doubts in my mind!
And way to go on the boob thrill! I'd run for that! LOL
Welcome back, missed you!!
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