The oncologist feels Lisa most likely doesn't have Lymphoma. He took his time, explain everything thoroughly so we both could understand. He wants to look at her slides from her biopsy done back in March. He said she may need another biopsy but will not know until he reviews the slides. In regards to the PET scan being positive?
He is not concerned. The PET scan is not diagnostic.
Lisa has a follow up appointment 10/30.
I don't think I have ever seen my sister smile that big. Even at her wedding.
What relief she must feel after a loooong agonizing weekend believing she had cancer.
Man I needed a cocktail but I knew I had a long drive home so I had a coffee instead.
I had a glass of wine when I got home:)

I'm so relieved!!!! Cheers!!!!
so glad you and your sis got some good news!
I have you added to the SSS list and am so glad you are joining us!
Great news!
Hi I'm sort of the unofficial and self appointed welcoming committee for SSS. So glad you signed up, it's going to be fun.
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